2022-2024 JELIS Editors

The Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) announces the reappointment of Dr. John M. Budd and Dr. Denice Adkins as the Journal of Education for Library and Information Sciences (JELIS) co-editors. Dr. John M. Budd and Dr. Denice Adkins, both from the University of Missouri, School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, will continue in their roles through December 31, 2024. They will oversee JELIS volumes 63-65. The ALISE Board of Directors reappointed the co-editors in April 2021.

Dr. John M. BuddJohn M. Budd is Professor Emeritus with the University of Missouri. He was an active faculty member there for more than 20 years. He was also on the faculties at Louisiana State University and the University of Arizona. Prior to that he worked several years as an academic librarian. He has served as Editor of the Association of College and Research Libraries Publications in Librarianship Monograph series and as Editor of Library Resources and Technical Services. He has been a very active scholar with a publication record of nearly 150 books, book chapters, and journal articles. He has been a member of ALISE for more than 30 years.


Dr. Denice AdkinsDenice Adkins is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies at the University of Missouri, and has taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo and the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán in Honduras. Prior to her experience in academia, she worked as a public librarian in ethnically and linguistically diverse communities in Denver, Colorado and Las Vegas, Nevada. She has been a member of ALISE for over 20 years. 

The board is excited for Drs. Budd and Adkins to continue in their roles and further strengthen the association’s professional publication.