ALISE / Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award

Established in 1996, the $1,000 cash award (sponsored by Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, on behalf of the late David Severn, a 1968 Pratt alumnus) is designed to identify innovation by full-time faculty members, or a group of full-time faculty members, in incorporating evolving information technologies in the curricula of accredited master’s degree programs in library and information studies.

Previous Recipients

2025 Sponsor

Thank you to the generous support of the Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science:


Dietmar Wolfram, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Rebecca Davis, Simmons University
Alicia Long, University of Missouri
Rhiannon Bettivia, Simmons University

Board Liaison

Daniella Smith, University of North Texas, Director, Membership

Committee Membership

  • The Committee consists of five ALISE members, of whom serves Chair, and one is a Pratt Institute representative.
  • Members are selected by the President-Elect and serve for two-years and may be appointed to serve a second consecutive two-year term.
  • The Chair is selected by the President-Elect, and holds this position for one year, and may be appointed for a second consecutive one-year term.
  • The Committee reports to the Director of Membership Services.

Award Criteria

  • Any full-time faculty member, or group of full-time faculty members, in a master’s degree-granting institution of library and information studies, can be proposed for this award. 
  • Any eligible faculty member, or group of full-time members, may propose themselves for this award. 
  • Part-time faculty members are not eligible for this award. 
  • Entire departments of library and information studies are also not eligible for the award, a smaller group of faculty members must be selected.


Selection shall be made and the ALISE President, the winning faculty member, the Chair of the ALISE Awards and Honors Committee, and the Dean of Pratt Institute, School of Information shall be notified by 60 days before the start of the ALISE annual meeting. Each nomination will be reviewed for its eligibility and assessed using the following criteria to assure that it is the work of an eligible faculty member and will be appraised with respect to:

  • Significance and innovative use of evolving technology
  • Originality of concept 
  • Extent of impact on curricula, the University, and/or Society 
  • Transferability to programs at other institutions 
  • Collaborative technological approaches with other University units
  • Daring, creative uses of emerging technologies for achieving student learning outcomes
  • Emphasis on ethical and critical use of technology for social impact

Nominations Requirements

  • A nomination letter (electronically or in hard copy) stating the name(s), address, and academic affiliation(s), and that the nomination is being submitted for the Pratt-Severn Faculty Award.
  • A nomination text of not more than 10 pages explaining what activities the nominee(s) performed that the submitter feels to be innovative in incorporating evolving information technologies in the curricula of accredited master’s degree programs in library and information studies. Include appropriate supporting documentation and up to two letters of endorsement. Text may be uploaded as a PDF.
  • The Committee may solicit more information, if necessary.

Submission Process

All submissions must be completed through the ALISE 2025 submission system

First-time users will be required to create an account (separate from your account). Once created, return to the ALISE '25 submission page to log in. Once logged in, select 'Enter as an author'. Select the relevant track for your submission, ensuring you review all requirements prior to completing your submission.

Submission Deadline

March 28, 2025

Previous Recipients

2024- Catherine Dumas (University at Albany) and Rachel Williams (University of South Carolina)

2023- No award given

2022 - Jenna Hartel

2021 - Heather Moulaison-Sandy and Felicity Dykas, University of Missouri: Organizing Information in Information Agencies

2020 - Monica Maceli

2019 - Nadia Caidi

2018 - Peiling Wang

2017 - Mega Subramanian

2016 - No award given

2015 - Eric Meyers

2014 - No award given

2013 - Anthony Cocciolo

2012 - Leanne Bowler

2011 - Scott Nicholson

2010 - No award given

2009 - Michael Stephens

2008 - The Faculty of the School of Library and Information Science at San Jose State University

2007 - No award given

2006 - Betram Bruce (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

2005 - No award given

2004 - No award given

2003 - No award given

2002 - No award given

2001 - Sanda Erdelez (University of Texas at Austin)

2000 - Myron (Myke) H. Gluck (Florida State)

1999 - Gretchen Whitney (Tennessee)

1998 - Peter Jacso (Hawaii)

1997 - Ching-Chih Chen (Simmons)