Juried Paper Sessions 4-6
4.3 - Digital Libraries and Librarianship
Title: Creating a Digital Library for the World's Children through Collaboration Description: None
Author(s) : Ann Carlson Weeks (Maryland)
Title: E-Government Access and Training in Public Libraries: Community Engagement and LIS Education
Description: This paper examines the provision of e-government access and training by public libraries, community engagement related to e-government, and strategies for incorporating e-government as an aspect of librarianship into LIS education.
Author(s) : Paul Jaeger (Maryland)
Title: Information Architecture, Marketing, and Usability and the Design of the STARS Alliance Web Portal
Description: N/A
Author(s) : Anthony Chow, Kateline Smith, Rian Combs (UNC-Greensboro) and Blair Darnell (Columbia)
5.2 - Conceptions of Community Title: Understanding Undergraduates' Use of Information Sources and Social Networking Media: Implications for Librarians in the Networked Community Description: Focusing on the use of information sources and social networking media among undergraduate students, the study aims to shed light on improving user service and LIS education for academic librarianship in the networked community. Author(s) : Eun-Young Yoo (NC-Central) and Kyung-Sun Kim (Wisconsin-Madison) Title: Enriching the Conversation: Employing Communities of Practice in Teacher-Librarian Professional Development Description: Can LIS education models integrate research, learning and practice? We’ll present research about research, the history of service learning, and a contemporary program that incorporates a profession-wide community of practice. Author(s): Eric Meyers, Deborah Turner, Matthew Saxton and Lorraine Bruce (Washington) Title: Can Our Relationships be Reconceptualized: Examining Doctoral Communities through Teaching, Research, and Practice. Description: N/A Author(s): Peter Macauley (RMIT) and Rosemary Green (Shenandoah University)
6.2-Communities of Practice Title: A Comparison of Student Satisfaction in Online and Face-to-Face Cohorts in a School Library Media Specialist Graduate Program Description: N/A
Author(s) : Gail Dickinson (Old Dominion)
Title: An Examination of Practical Courses as Vehicles for Community Engagement
Description: N/A
Author(s) : Ann Curry and Evelyn Markwei (UBC)
Title: Experiential Learning within the Campus Community
Description: None
Author(s) : Jennifer Campbell-Meier (UBC)