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ALISE Webinar | Moving from Online Teaching to Connected Teaching. Strategies for Enhancing Communication and Building Community In and Outside the LMS.
Monday, January 13, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinar

Moving from Online Teaching to Connected Learning: Strategies for Enhancing Communication and Building Community In and Outside the LMS

Presented By:

Joyce Valenza, PhD, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University
Brenda Boyer, PhD, Instructional Designer at Rutgers University

Moderated By:

Zachary Newell, PhD Student at Simmons University SLIS

Presentation Description:

Let’s explore opportunities to play with blended experiences that push the boundaries of the LMS while encouraging voice and choice. We’ll explore an emerging toolkit of authentic, flexible applications to facilitate natural collaboration, communication and creativity.
Joyce and Brenda will introduce:

  • Discussion tools that not only flatten conversations and make them pop, but engage a larger community of practice, rather than obscuring voices in threaded hierarchies.
  • Curation tools that offer your learners opportunities to customize and organize content and ideas in ways that help them make meaning and authentically participate.
  • Storytelling and presentation options that authentically engage targeted communities.
  • Gamification options that engage learners and model strategies they might use in their own future practice.

Presenter Bios


Joyce Valenza, PhD, has been a special, public and school librarian. She writes the Neverending Search Blog for School Library Journal and contributes to several other library and edtech publications. She speaks globally about the thoughtful use of technology in learning and the power of librarians to lead. Her research interests include: school librarianship, youth information seeking, educational technology, social media curation, OER, emerging literacies and online communities of practice.  



Brenda Boyer, PhD, is an instructional designer and information fluency expert. She has designed online instruction for secondary learners in the Kutztown (PA) School District, and for graduate and professional development learners at Eduspire, iLearn Collaborative, and Rutgers University, she frequently presents at iNACOL, AASL, ISTE, and Internet@Schools conferences. Boyer's research interests include online learning, instructional design, and inquiry/research models.

Webinar:  Monday, January 13, 2020, 4:30 - 5:30 pm ET