Candidate for Secretary/TreasurerHeather Moulaison Sandy Candidate's Statement: As my career as an LIS educator has evolved, I have consistently participated in ALISE, and value immensely the personal and professional connections that ALISE has afforded me. My previous ALISE service includes co-chairing the New Faculty SIG, serving as a member of the Posters committee (including overseeing the calculations of results), evaluating posters as a jury member, being a session moderator, and convening a panel for the New Faculty SIG. I have recently accepted to serve as a reviewer of juried panels for the 2018 conference. ALISE has been a useful forum for developing my teaching and research in both traditional areas (e.g., cataloging ethics and metadata creation for digital humanities) and less traditional areas such as online instruction. In addition to serving the LIS education community though ALISE, I have experience serving as a Member-at-Large of the ALA Council (2014-2017) and as a conseillière (board member) of the Association Internationale Francophone des Bibliothécaires et Documentalistes (AIFBD) (2014-2017). I am currently a board member of ARL's CIFNAL (Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections) (2017-19). I also have served ALA, ASIST, the iConference, and IFLA in a number of capacities, was named as a chercheur associé at the French national LIS school (Enssib (École nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques)) in 2014, and am wrapping up work as a Co-PI on an ALISE-OCLC grant (2016-17). As an extremely active member of the LIS community, I have all of the skills and proclivities needed to serve as Secretary/Treasurer as described in the ALISE Policy and Procedures Manual, including the soft skills and experience needed to work remotely and in a timely and congenial manner. I have previous experience working with budgets and spreadsheets, and have discovered over the years that I have a bean-counter's attention to detail. In particular, I am interested in ways to explore cost-savings while maximizing benefits for ALISE members. I hope to have the opportunity to put these experiences and inclinations to use as the ALISE Secretary/Treasurer. Biography |