Upcoming ALISE Webinar: Makerspaces in Libraries: Creating Change through Active Partnerships with Communities
Free for ALISE members (personal & institutional member contacts)
$50 for non-members
This webinar will discuss how libraries promote active community engagement through Makerspaces. A Makerspace is a place for community members to engage in creative making activities in a range of domains, offering access to fabrication technologies and social opportunities with other Makers. Community engagement is the key to success. Several library Makerspaces are currently practicing innovative approaches to engaging their communities. However, there seems to be a lack of consensus regarding what social responsibilities library Makerspaces must assume in today’s society. The panel proposes the following overarching questions:
- What social responsibilities do Makerspaces in a library have to their community?
- What are some of the effective ways Makerspaces currently practice to engage community?
- What should LIS educators do to promote community engagement and social responsibility in and through library Makerspaces?