The ALISE Board of Directors is happy to extend our congratulations to the winners of the ALISE 2018 Election.
The ALISE Board of Directors is happy to extend our congratulations to the winners of the ALISE 2018 Election.
Building Castles on Shifting Sand: Leading LIS Education Programs that Last
Webinar Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017
The Board of Directors of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) sent a letter concerning a recent *USA Today* article on Careers: 8 jobs that won't exist in 2030. Read the full letter.
Update: An abbreviated version of the ALISE letter to USA Today has been posted on USA today on November 6, 2017. Read more.
Date: October 26, 2017 |
Ten Ideas for Innovative Teaching Webinar Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 |
Due to the impact of the recent hurricanes, ALISE has extended the deadline for Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition and Work in Progress Poster Showcase through October 1, 2017.
Learn more about the requirements of the Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition and the Work in Progress Poster Showcase.
Suliman Hawamdeh (University of North Texas)
Stephen Bajjaly (Wayne State University)Luanne Freund (University of British Columbia)
Date: September 29, 2017 |
In light of events in several countries that were instigated by values that are contrary to the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), the ALISE Board of Directors reaffirms its commitment to, and promotion of, diversity, equality, and inclusion in the library and information science (LIS) education and professional community, and condemns racism, hate, bigotry, and violence.
Diversity and inclusion are core elements of the LIS curriculum. To help LIS instructors teach and promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in their curriculum, we have compiled a list of recent works. This list is intended to serve as a living document. We encourage LIS educators, professionals, and students to use these resources in relevant learning settings to further promote these values within the communities we serve.
ALISE recognizes and supports excellence and innovation in teaching and research through its awards and grants program.
Submissions/nominations are now being accepted for ALISE awards, grants and research competitions. There are three seperate award/grant categories, with deadlines ranging from June 30 - October 1st. More information is located on our ALISE Award/Grants webpage, which includes an online submission/nomination form. Please review the submission requirements thoroughly before beginning the submission process.
ALISE will be at the American Library Association's 2017 Conference in Chicago, IL from June 22-June 27, 2017.
ALISE will be hosting the Library and Information Studies Cooperative Alumni Reunion. This is a great opportunity to connect with your current and former colleagues. If you are an institutional member, you can purchase tables at the reunion for a price of $375/table. Your institution's name will be featured as a reunion sponsor on our website and in our marketing messages.
Makerspaces in Libraries: Creating Change through Active Partnerships with Communities
Webinar Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2017
In an era of rapid change, the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) remains steadfast in its commitment to serve as the international leader in both education practice and research for established and emerging career opportunities in the information professions. To remain relevant and a vital part of library and information science education, the 2017-20 ALISE Strategic Plan has been crafted to address four strategic directions to meet the needs of existing and future members by expanding ALISE’s leading role in excellence in library and information science education scholarship and practice, while adhering to sound fiscal and management practices.
The ALISE Board of Directors is seeking applications for the next ALISE Statistical Data Manager. The manager is responsible for compiling the annual ALISE Statistical Report. We would like to acknowledge the years of dedicated service that the faculty and staff at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies have provided in compiling the report.
The ALISE Statistical Report, first published in 1980, records the current state of LIS education programs at ALISE member schools. The report contains compiled data on faculty, students, curricula, school income/expenditures, and continuing education. These data are invaluable for supporting program self-studies and providing research data on LIS education.
This webinar will discuss how libraries promote active community engagement through Makerspaces. A Makerspace is a place for community members to engage in creative making activities in a range of domains, offering access to fabrication technologies and social opportunities with other Makers. Community engagement is the key to success. Several library Makerspaces are currently practicing innovative approaches to engaging their communities. However, there seems to be a lack of consensus regarding what social responsibilities library Makerspaces must assume in today’s society. The panel proposes the following overarching questions:
With pleasure we invite you to submit an Abstract and/or organize and chair an Invited Session (4-6 talks) or address an invited talk in the forthcoming Conference in Limerick, Ireland (23-26 May 2017) for the 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2017, which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology).
For more information and Abstract/Paper submission and Special Session Proposals please visit the conference website at: or contact the secretary of the conference at : [email protected]
They will be making 15-minute videos of the whole exercise for grading.
Congratulations Evelyn!
The Board of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) strives to make financially sound decisions, and is therefore seeking to identify affordable conference venues in the future. This survey will assist the ALISE Board in making decisions about the conference location in 2019 and in following years. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes of your time, and is open to ALISE members and non-members. Please use the link below to access the survey, which will close on April 7, 2017. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions!